Spider Man: No Way Home (जिसमे Tobey ओर Andrew है) के उपलक्ष मै, a non ordinary Dump today!
Let's start *thwip*, *pulls the material here*
DO see the full post, this below one.
Yes, yes, yes, yes! NO, no, no, no...
Aah, here's somethin worth saving.
The Scene we WANT!
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
Unrelated, but still related...
You're Trash Brock. I can't...!🤣 We are bringing Hardy instead (but he's not a villain, but who knows what can happen to Venom).
You know I would have done the same...
Here, have some beautiful photos.
Aah, the memories.
When I was a boy...
So, let's end with this adorable clip from the Premiere of You-Know-What.
I know, there are other stuff too, but what can I do, there was just so much happening right now. Multiverse is coming together.
Now a mandatory but genuine end note. If this Scroll made you smile, then please do like and share it. Follow me here by clicking at that blue button and following the process. You can also follow me on Twitter. Also, if you think that my Scroll Stack is worth your precious Support then please do it, I’ll be grateful for that.
So, now that it's all done, we will meet again next Sunday with a new Scroll, तब तक के लिए Bye!👋🏽
P.S. – Abhi, exams are going on, लेकिन अपना time भी आएगा!
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